Current Project status

While the current hardware iteration is stable and functional, (v.3.5.4) there are some supporting tasks still in progress. Specifically, QMK & VIA commits, and improving documentation. v3.5.5 Choc and MX variants are currently in testing, and will be released when validated.

Table of contents

  1. Outstanding Hardware tasks
    1. Outstanding Documentation tasks
    2. Outstanding tasks before Main Sofle Repo PR submission
    3. QMK Outstanding tasks
    4. QMK Userspace
    5. VIA Outstanding tasks
    6. VIAL Outstanding tasks

Outstanding Hardware tasks

  • Validate the PCB case Gerbers
  • theWerle contributed Choc and MX variants have been sent out for production/testing 6-15-24
  • JLC & PCBWay part number placeholders have been added to v3.5.6. Post validation of 3.5.5, regen the Gerbers before releasing. (The docs refer to using these part number placeholders).

Outstanding Documentation tasks

  • Add documentation for TheWerle Choc variant
  • Add documentation for TheWerle additional MX features
  • setup a twitter account
  • Add a twitter_username in config.yml
  • Refactor README for simplicity and clarity. (Great example:
  • Update docs for the troubleshooting section.
  • Convert this spreadsheet for MCU’s to a markdown table
  • Review docs and update images
  • Add a ‘releases’ page.
  • Run mogrify -strip against images before final publishing.

Outstanding tasks before Main Sofle Repo PR submission

  • PR Submitted:

QMK Outstanding tasks

Open PR in review:

  • EE_Hands was removed during the PR. Post PR merge, recompile alternate .uf2 files with RH Master set, so that VIA users won’t have to compile in QMK
  • TheWerle added handedness by pin. Once v3.5.5 is validated and release, updated QMK PR with the handedness update.

QMK Userspace

  • Move legacy & JellyTitan Sofle keymaps into a fork of qmk_userspace. (The updated qmk quidelins only allow for a simple pristine keymap in main qmk). These keymaps are temporarily in the jellytitan qmk_firmware branch sofle_pico_fancy while the main sofle_pico branch is being updated for main qmk commit. qmk_userspace only works with keyboards that are in QMK master - so this will have to wait.
  • Post QMK commit - revisit the sofle_classic layout on qmk_userspace. The QMK firmware sofle classic layout has been updated since I split out the keymap in the userspace.

VIA Outstanding tasks

  • Refactor VIA PR to match the new simplified QMK base keymap
  • VIA PR draft is ready. There must be a QMK commit in master before a VIA PR will be considered or it will be auto-deleted. Submit this draft after QMK PR is approved.
  • QMK has removed VIA enabled keyboards from the main repo. The VIA keymap was removed from QMK. Post QMK merge, look into updating the existing VIA PR, or figure out what the new process is for adding keymaps to via.

VIAL Outstanding tasks

  • Port to VIAL post VIA/QMK merge. (With recent VIA feature enhancements - is VIAL still helpful)?